News Archive for Author 'George Jenson', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.

New Site: The Heath Team

Tom Heath, master of mortgages, has a new website. It’ll be continually evolving since he and his team have full control over it. Keep an eye on it, or better yet, subscribe via the RSS feed. Check out! Thanks for having me in to help Tom!

Online Marketing: You’re Goin’ Fishin’

Most sites I build are the foundation of the client’s online marketing strategy. Nearly all are for businesses or non-profits that are promoting a personal service rather than a tangible product. The sites are built to begin, or to further develop, personal relationships. For businesses, this is aimed at prospective, current, and past clients. For […]

Talk Back!

I know, your mom told you not to. Come to think of it, though, that probably didn’t stop you, did it? In today’s world of social media, information is no longer only flowing one direction: we talk back. To each other on Facebook, to business and professional contacts on LinkedIn, and to anyone who will […]

A Blog, Finally

I’ve been writing computer software for over 30 years, professionally for almost as long. Like the children of the cobbler who need shoes, though, my website has been the bottom of my priority list for far too long. I’ve needed to turn it into a blog for years, and to focus it on my primary […]